Ear Moulds – House of Hearing

Custom Earmolds
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 House of Hearing’s reputation was built by supplying hearing aid offices with superb quality earmolds in a multitude of styles and materials, and this product line continues to be a major portion of today’s business.

The earmold is truly the most important link in the fitting of a hearing aid system, since it must routinely and simultaneously fulfill numerous functions. If it fails in any one of them, the hearing aid fitting can fail. The earmold must:

  • Provide a satisfactory acoustic seal
  • Acoustically couple the hearing aid to the ear
  • Retain the hearing aid on the pinna
  • Modify the acoustic signal produced by the hearing aid
  • Be comfortable to wear for an extended period of time
  • Be aesthetically acceptable to the patient, and
  • Be of a style that the patient can physically handle
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House of Hearing’s Custom Earmold Manual and Instructional Video Earmold Selection and Acoustics detail the selection of materials, styles, acoustic options and applications. You can learn more about materials and styles here by going to Guide to Earmold Material Selection and Guide to Earmold Style Selection. First, though, you may want to review the Patient Evaluation for Earmold Selection. Additional information is provided on Acoustic Options, as well.

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