Interacoustic ASSR

Interacoustics ASSR is a major breakthrough in ASSR technology and the first of a new generation of ASSR threshold assessment tools. It uses session time much more efficiently
than traditional methods and provides highly accurate results.


  • New Stimuli to Maximize Response
  • Full Spectrum Detection Engine
  • Full stimulus Control
  • Accurate Correction Tables
  • Comprehensive Reports
  • NOAH CompatibleABR Technology

Save Time
With Interacoustics ASSR, a reliable estimated audiogram is achieved at four frequencies in both ears in about 20 minutes. This is half the time used in traditional ASSR techniques. Interacoustics ASSR is therefore ideal for threshold assessment in very young children and other patients where behavioral methods are impractical and shorter test times an advantage.

Note: ASSR runs on the ECLIPSE


Standard – EC 60601-2-26 (Electroence-phalographs).
– IEC 60645-1/ANSI S3.6 (Audiometers).
– IEC 60645-3 (Auditory test signals).
PreAmplifier Two channels (standard) EPA4 Cable Collector (4 electrodes). Standard 50 cm.
Option: 5 cm or 290 cm
One Channel (optional) EPA3 Cable Collector (3 electrodes). 50 cm
Gain: 80 dB/60 dB. Frequency response: 0,5 – 5000 Hz
Noise: 4nV/√Hz. 0.22 μV RMS (0 – 3 kHz)
CMR Ratio: Minimum > 118 dB. Typical 130 dB <100 Hz
Radio Frequency Immunity: Typically 25 dB improvement over previous available designs
Max input offset voltage: 2,5 V. Input impedance: 10 MΩ. Power: From main unit.
Included Parts ASSR ASSR Software CD
ETB Standard electrode cable with buttons
ETU Universal electrode cable
ETS Electrode cable spring
ETR Electrode cable with re-usable electrodes
PEG15 Set of 25 single use pre-gelled electrodes
EarTone ABR Insert ear phones w/foam tips
20 pcs. of Infant eartip (2 x 10)
SPG15 Tube of skin preparation gel
Ten20™ Electrode gel
Alcohol pads (100 pcs.)
Gauze Swabs
Modulation Rates 90Hz and 40Hz. Can be changed within the same session.
Anti Aliasing Filter Analogue 5kHz 24dB / octave. (30kHz Sampling rate).
Impedance Check 33Hz rectangle. Impedance information for each individual electrode.
No unplugging of electrode leads required.
Readout directly on Amplifi er. Measuring Current: 19μA. Ranges: 0.5kΩ-25kΩ.
Transducers Ear-Tone ABR insert phones included.
Independent calibration for TDH39 (not included).
Gain Manual: 6dB steps from 74dB to 110dB (5μV to 320μV input).
Number of Channels 2 channel response detection. (EPA3: 1 channel). 8 channels for stimulus control.
Auto Protocols Test protocols included for children and for adults (sleeping and awake).
Customized protocols can be created by user.
Stimuli NB CE-Chirps® at 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4kHz. Bandwidth: +/- ½ octave -3dB. Very steep roll offs. Simultaneous stimuli: 8 (4 frequencies in each Ear).
Rejection system Manual increase and decrease of rejection limits during data acquisition.
Raw EEG Online display of both channels. Refresh rate: 10Hz typical.
Optional Parts TDH39 Headset
EPA3 Cable collector (one channel/3 electrodes)
Masking White noise. 0 – 100dB HL.
Stimulus Control Independent control of up to 8 simultaneous stimuli (max. 4 per ear).
Independent stimulus level control for each of the 8 stimuli, with dynamic range assistance.
Independent start / stop control for each of the 8 stimuli.
Data Acquisition 2 channels. Separate Detection Algorithm for each Channel.
A/D resolution: 16bit. Manual Start and Stop: Global as well as for each stimulus.
Time out limits: Max 15min. (Default: 6 min.). Manual change in +/- 1 min. steps.
False Pass Probability Settings: 1% and 5%.
