The most powerful and reliable

The XTM XP P6 is the ideal solution for people with severe to profound hearing loss: They offer more speech understanding, sound quality and wearing comfort to those who need it most. With sophisticated technology, such as feedback prevention and noise management, the XTM XP P6 provides the functions and amplification that wearers need to stay connected to their world.

Special Performance Features

Automatic Directional Microphones

Recommended for users with a high demand for speech understanding in challenging, noisy listening environments.
A&M hearing instruments now have the capability of a directional microphone offering improvements in difficult situations where you need to distinguish speech from noise.

Noise Management

A&M hearing instruments are equipped to ensure background noise is significantly reduced, giving the wearer better speech clarity and less unwanted interference.

Feedback Preventer

Wearers of A&M hearing instruments are able to enjoy a more comfortable listening experience with reduced occurrence of feedback. The fast feedback preventer helps to avoid annoying whistling in the ears.

Fully Digital WDRC Amplifier

Wide dynamic range compression (WDRC) enables A&M hearing instruments to be programmed to automatically increase the loudness of soft sounds while providing minimal amplification for loud sounds.

Telephone Compatibility

Cordless and cellular phones can interfere with the performance of some hearing instruments. A&M hearing instruments use a digital processor equipped with a shield-protected microphone, helping to reduce acoustical interference that may occur during phone usage.

Other features

Data Logging,
12 Signal Processing Channels,
4 hearing programs

Accessories and Apps

Our accessories brings you the convenience of being connected and our apps makes adjusting your hearing aids discreet and easy.

Smart Key

A small remote for discreet control of hearing aids without the need of a smartphone. It is designed to fit on key ring, allowing you to bring it everywhere in a easy and convenient way.

Smart Remote App

Turn your smartphone into a remote control for your hearing aids! The app enhances discretion by hiding the remote control within your mobile device without the need for additional hardware. Full control of your hearing aids looks as subtle as checking for a text message.
